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Great Love for Yushu donations!
Date: 2010-11-08 Views: Back

April 14, 2010, Yushu County, 7.1 earthquake, until now, Yushu earthquake death toll more than 2,000 people, in addition there are still hundreds of people missing and 10,000 injured. Life does not wait, do not give up. After the disaster, Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu Jintao have rushed to the disaster area to visit the affected people, to see the full deployment of the earthquake relief work, scenes of life unfolding rescue deeds, support Yushu, without delay.

We pray for the dead rest in peace, living strong. A difficult one, P Plus support, voluntary organizations across the country to rebuild Yushu fundraiser is being progressed, April 27, 2010, sponsored by the Baiyun District of Guangzhou City and streets, Tianjian International Decoration Material City hosted the "love to pass with and Relay - Yushu reconstruction major donor activities Tianjian station "was officially launched, and regions with institutions, enterprises, individuals and Tianjian international Decoration material City cooperative farm of more than 1,000 leading enterprises in Guangdong Province decorative materials decoration materials industry to join Yushu compatriots to overcome disaster and rebuild their homes.

Selfless love, charity tangible. Deputy general manager of Guangzhou Mr. Huang Zhihong Otomo business activities on behalf of enterprises in the donated money and represents companies spoke at the meeting, he called on all people of good will of the whole society together to care Qinghai Yushu, money money, love and dedication donate money to help people in disaster areas of earthquake relief and rebuild their homes! He also wished the people of disaster areas as soon as possible from the disaster bitter re-live a happy life!

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